Dynamic Ranking

Your Options

Most Recent Data Vs. 3-Year Average

Most Recent Data (MRD)

This is the original version, and is in the process of being phased out to better support the 3YA and LA models. This presents data from the most recent year only, and allows dynamic ranking on a handful of metrics. A good option if you just want a quick look at a few things, but for more depth and better support, I recommend one of the models below.

  • Employment Outcomes
  • Financial Data
  • For details on methods used, see Methodology and Disclosures.

Full Screen MRD (Recommended)

3-Year Average (3YA)

This will present in largely the same format as the MRD Version (above). However, all employment outcome data consists of the average of the three most recent years. Median data and financial data remain for the current year only. Medians are unpredictable enough that average data is not likely to be insightful, and financial data, generally, will only increase with time.

  • Current years: 2022-2020
  • Employment outcomes are averaged across three years.
  • Financial and Median data are reported for the most recent year only.

Full-Screen 3YA (Recommended)

Interactive Map

This is a variation of the 3YA model. You can still rank by dynamic weights you assign, but the focus is on assessing regional strength and school location. Schools can be selected from the School List on the left side of the map. Hold CTRL when you click, to select multiple. The Detailed View box below the School List will display additional information on the selected school(s), and the school(s) will also appear on the map. By hovering your mouse over each school, you will be able to see the top three employment locations of the most recent year, and the percentage of graduates who were employed in each region.

  • Optional Dynamic Ranking
  • Visualization of location
  • Detailed information on financial and employment data, as well as regional employment data.

Full Screen Interactive Map (Recommended)


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For More Information On The Models

For additional information on the calculations involved, visit Methodology & Disclosure. For more information about where the data comes from, see References.

See Methodology →

To Simply Research And Browse

Head over the the “View, Research, and Browse” model, which contains original data from the ABA over the last 10 years.

Go To VRB Page →

Dynamic Ranking (3YA Version)